
Accelerate Marketing Efficiency with Netcore Gen AI Co-Marketer


  • 20%

    Uplift in engagement

  • 35%

    Increase in revenue

  • 14%

    Higher AOV

Content, segments, insights and much more - all made possible with a simple query


Content that resonates, everytime

  • Create click-worthy, engaging content with Netcore's content generator.

  • Our AI Engine constantly evaluates metrics from previous campaign performances all the way from content quality to conversion rates and factors in those user preferences to enhance content quality and personalization.

  • From WhatsApp and email to app push notifications, Netcore dynamically generates content best suited for each channel.


Effortless Segmentation

  • Say goodbye to laborious segmenting processes. Create profitable and accurate audience segments 20x faster with simple natural language prompts

  • Accelerate campaign flows and focus on strategic priorities while fast-tracking campaign targeting.

  • Just Ask Netcore, your AI co-pilot to execute end-to-end marketing campaigns from ideation to execution.


Optimize Cross-Channel Campaigns

  • Netcore Gen AI is built to optimize your user campaigns.

  • Select the best channel to optimize for conversion, plan the ideal wait time for reminders and triggers to optimize for response, and create personalized content to optimize for engagement.

  • Reduce the time spent manually orchestrating campaign journeys, navigating reports, and analyzing data for insights.


Amplify Product Discovery and Search

  • Netcore's Visual Search allows shoppers to upload images and receive accurate product recommendations that match their visual search queries.

  • Personalize Search and Discovery experience for each shopper in real-time.

  • Our AI algorithms analyze demographics, browsing behavior, recent purchases and affinities for each shopper to understand shopper intent better and dynamically curate results to show products that the shoppers are most likely to buy.

The brands you trust, trust us

Marketing and product leaders at customer-centric brands trust Netcore with customer experience.

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